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Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Patch 1.04

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 was released this week on Steam and by now it got some pretty bad reviews mainly due to launch issues and because the game is stuck at 30 fps cap. The latest opus in the acclaimed STORM series is taking you on a colorful and breathtaking ride. Take advantage of the totally revamped battle system and prepare to dive into the most epic fights you’ve ever seen!The most common NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 errors that players complained about are: Launch Issues, Crashes, and problems with the FPS and other performance issues. Below you will find these errors described and also how to fix them by following our workarounds and solutions. How to Fix NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4:1) NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 Launch Issues, for some players the game won’t even start, they are encountering multiple launch issues, and code errors or the game simply won’t launch. To fix this issue follow the tutorial at the end of the post.“When I execute the game, it launches and immediately tells me “Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4.exe has stopped working.”I tried changing compatibility, launch it as administrator, I even verified the game files twice, and it still doesn´t work”“I keep getting this message everytime I start: “dx11 device creation fail: 0x80010010”. What should I do?”Solution: To fix this issue apply our patch, you can find it below.2) NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 Crashes, the game might randomly crash in the story mode, and you won’t be able to play anymore.


Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Patch 1.04 H 1 04 Free Download

To fix this follow the solution below.“Every time I play the game in story mode, 30 minutes in or so the game crashes on me, any way to fix this currently?”“Any fixes for crashing, everything else is fine, the game just crashed after 10-15 min of gamingI’m on Windows 10, and I tried Windows 7 compared mode, no luck.”“Ok, so story mode crashes immediately in the scene Madara and the first appear on the scroll. The scene is also unskippable.

Oh well, let’s try a plain vs. Match against the CPU right? Hmmm, no crashes in the character selection.”Solution: Follow our guide below and apply our patch to your game to fix the crashes.3) NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 FPS Issues, apparently the frame rates of the game are locked at 30 FPS, and a lot of players are complaining about this issue and other performance issues like lag. To fix the FPS cap and the performance issues follow the quick solution below.“Hi, I just tested the game, and it is really bad.

From the menu to the in-game fight, everything is lagging, the sounds working just fine. Only the opening movie at the beginning of the game is not lagging. Is this some bug or what? Because I got GeForce GTX 960M and I don’t think that this is the reason for lagging. It is supposed to come out tmr (Feb 5), so is this the price we have to pay for it to come out earlier?”“Why can’t the game run at 60fps it’s bothering me so much, Is the game capped at 30fps??”Definite Solution: For a definite fix of FPS issues check our patch below.Quick Solution: So, sometimes the PC thinks you only have a single CPU core, even when you have multiple cores. You can fix this by going into your MSConfig program (start bar, search MSConfig).

You should have an option on the bottom called “selective startup.” Make sure that the “Use Original Boot Configuration” is checked. Then it will ask you to restart the computer. Try this out; I’m sure at least a few of you are having this issue.Also, try this:. Locate the NSUNSR.Ini file in the root directory. Take a backup of this file.

Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Characters

Now do the following changes in the file:. screensetting. iMaxdecalsperscale=100.

Framerate=25 (this can be changed to higher values also)Fix Patch for the Major Issues:Our team of developers managed to release a patch that helps you fix the errors described above. You can see how our patch looks like below, where you can also find a tutorial on how to use it and a download link. Please follow the tutorial step by step before asking any questions regarding your issues.

.INFORMATION UPDATE!.THE DEV TEAM FROM CYBERCONNECT2 HAS JUST MADE AN ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THEY WILL RELEASED THE PATCH THAT WILL FIX THE MAJOR PROBLEMS IN THE GAME SUCH AS CRASHES, FPS PROBLEMS, SOUNDS ETC. CHECK THIS LINK OUT FOR MORE INFORMATION -So, the same as all of you guys, I also suffered the major problem in the game which is Low FPS or sudden FPS Drop. I've been looking for the solution all day long and try all of it in order for me to play smoothly (at least 25-30 fps) and IT WORKS! I don't know which one really works for me so I will put all the things I did below:.note: It might be not the best graphic mode, but at least you can play smoothly.

AND THIS TUTORIAL ONLY APPLY TO FIX FPS PROBLEM not other problems (like crash or static sound etc.).